Can You Get High on CBD Oil?

CBD oil is becoming ever more popular, and yet there is still one question that comes up time and again – can you get high from it?

Well, the definitive answer is no, you cannot! Hemp oil comes in a range of forms including balms, capsules and tinctures, and because it does not produce a high, it has been legalised in many countries worldwide.

CBD oil (or cannabidiol) is derived from the hemp or cannabis plant, but unlike THC, which is another component of this plant, it cannot make you experience a high.

It does, however, have a number of benefits including the relief of pain, meaning that those who suffer from a range of conditions including cancer and chronic pain are turning to this substance in an attempt to find relief.

What Has The Research Discovered?

Research was carried out in 2014 by the Guideline Development Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology.

Pills were given to patients which contained different concentrations of both of the components found in cannabis – CBD and THC – and the impact on the nervous system was assessed.

During this study, it was discovered that THC produces different neurotransmitters in the body including dopamine which produces a high. On the other hand, the cannabidiol capsules caused no such effect in its patient group.

Cannabidiol is also anti-psychoactive, meaning that it does not cause anxiety, hallucinations or delusions although it does have a positive, relaxing effect. It is also not addictive, meaning that it is ideal for medical use.

How Is CBD Extracted?

The cannabis plant has two popular names – marijuana and hemp, although they are grown for entirely different purposes. In hemp, there is a high concentration of cannabidiol whereas, in marijuana, the THC concentration is much higher.

When it comes to extracting cannabidiol from the cannabis plant, hemp is used, and this means that the chance of THC being present in hemp oil is highly unlikely. Hemp only contains 0.5% to 1% of THC and thanks to new breeding techniques this can be reduced to a value of 0%.

What Is The Future Of CBD Oil?

While research is still ongoing into the effectiveness and benefits associated with hemp oil, the current studies which have been carried out into this treatment have shown a number of advantages.

Cannabidiol has been shown to have a positive effect on a range of neurological complaints in both children and adults, and this is an excellent medical discovery. While obtaining further proof will take time, it has been confidently demonstrated that

CBD oil does not cause any problems with addiction and does not get you high, meaning that it is likely to play a major role in the treatment of these conditions in the future.